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Prophetic Word

Prophetic Word: 2023 Will Be A Year of Victory, Deliverance and Goshen Declares The Lord

I heard the Lord while in church say that as we prepare for 2023 many will experience great delayed victory. Many have been in bondage struggling and going through all year. Some have become hopeless. Many feel as if God has forgotten about them. But I heard the Lord say I haven’t forgotten about you.

I am bringing deliverance to my people in 2023. I am bringing victory and deliverance to your finances, family, marriage and business. Every area of your life that has been in bondage. God says get ready for victory to become your portion. The enemy has had you in bondage long enough. Many in the world will experience shaking, exposing and trouble. But the people of God will experience victory and deliverance.

Many that have been waiting patiently will experience that which they have been crying out for in 2023. My people prepare for my Goshen in 2023.

-Jordan Wells
