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Divine Dialogue


IN DIVINE DIALOGUE, Jordan Wells confronts multiple topics pertaining to the Spirit of God. He confronts praise, pursuit, fasting, holiness, gifts of the Spirit, stewardship, and much more.

With riveting language, he gives his account of how God took him into the glory realm through encountering His face. Within this book, Jordan describes how to walk in God’s prophetic glory. He teaches the importance of the secret place and how through it, we have access to ancient prophetic anointings.

The key to your next season is as easy as turning a page.


The Final Trumpet 


Is there hope for America in the End Times or is all lost? Could the ancient Scroll of Mysteries unravel specifics concerning the 2020 election and the future of America? Could a scroll thousands of years old actually contain ancient secrets that unlock keys to America's restoration or America's judgement? This cutting edge novel is a descriptive telling of how this next election will greatly impact the destiny of America. The Final Trumpet uncovers ancient mysteries to how we can move the hand of God to change political arenas. This novel dramatically displays how the outcome of the next election will greatly impact this nation. It creatively unravels biblical mysteries to foretell America's future by showing the parallels between ancient prophecies and America's current election. Within each chapter, there is a mystery. And in each mystery, there is a secret that unravels the key to major aspects of our government. Socialism, economic decline, modern conspiracies, and the dismantling of the constitution are all unveiled within an ancient scroll. This scroll has predicted the rise and fall of many nations. Will America remain a top world power or decline into a third-world nation? The novel centers around Anna, an atheistic liberalist journalist, who aspires to take down the current president by destroying him through one of the most powerful sources in the world: media. As one of the top writers in her field, Anna is invited to participate in an important forum at the White House. However, before she can release her most important life's work, Anna is sent into a heart-wrenching near-death experience. A mysterious man by the name of Gabriel shares with Anna secrets of the country's past and glimpses of its potential future. Will she turn on everything she believes in? Or will she be unmoved by the potential coming destruction?


Joel Army Rising EBook Joel 2 Generation Global Hub Training Manual 



This is a book on revival and the last move of God. In this book, I attempt to train and impart the anointing to carry revival by looking at revivals of the past to present secrets that can unlock personal and corporate revival. In this book, we desire to raise an army that births revival and carries the power and Glory of God. This is a book about an army being raised that can shift the destiny of a generation. This is our training manual for all those connected or that follow Joel 2 Generation Global Hub.


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