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Prophetic Word

Prophetic Word: The Battle In The Chambers and Breaking The Demonic Decree Over America

Prophet Jordan Wells released this on January 10, 2022

We are in a very important window of time at the beginning of 2022. Currently there are things being pushed in our senate that could completely change America. There is great wickedness at work and I have been feeling a urgency in my Spirit to pray daily for the salvation of our nation. Right now there is one man that we must pray for democrat senator Joe Manchin who is literally saving America. Please keep him in prayer as JANUARY 17 will be, that he must stand strong under great pressure. 

Next I feel the Spirit calling the intercessors to pray for our Supreme Court as any day now they will rule of Vaccine Mandates. I am believing for this demonic decree to be overturned across America and the plans of the enemy set for January 17 to not prosper. Our nation has never been here before and I believe only prayer can halt the plans Satan has for this nation.  America is hanging on by a thread, and only prayer can reverse the demonic decree that hangs over our nation. There is a Anti Christ spirit at work, but I believe the prayers of the righteous  will prevail. 

We must appeal to the highest court in the universe the Supreme Court of heaven. In God’s courts we will gain victory.